“Several books have been written, Of the Family Funderburk. The name was changed, Tradition is told, for in the days of old, it was the noble Von-Der-Burg. And the stories tell, of brave knights that fell.For in the Crusades, it’s said, some lay wounded, others slain dead. In that German land, this noble band, Our ancestors they did trod. The Cause they fought, was God. these were our kin, these fierce, fighting men. But before this came about, They were forest people of the Mount, Mountain folk, they came to be, to escape the tax man, and be free. It’s even been said, in the book I read, Twas of Noah’s fourth son, Our beginning came. After the great mighty rain. The story went on, told about, this certain man named Devault. Twas from him, We came to be, He left the Rhine to escape the enemy, Shipwrecked on the voyage at sea, Though rescued and took along, to pay his passage, he was in bond. Twas from this men of yesterday, came the Funderburks of today. Noble professions some have took, people of God, with the holy book, Most seemed to be humble men, ever since the race began.”
Wanda Funderburk